Didem Sözeri Atik

Postdoctoral research associate

Dr. Didem Sözeri Atik received her BSc in 2014, MSc in 2017, and PhD in 2021 in Food Engineering from Turkey. She then worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Food Science Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison before joining the Dr. Ubbink's research group. Her research interests are developing a fundamental understanding of the basic questions about food systems and enhancing the functionality of foods to ensure human health benefits. She also has extensive experience determining the relationship between the structure and chemical properties of foods. Additionally, she has conducted research on the development of new methods to understand structure formation/disruption during processing, ensuring effectiveness in terms of labor, time, cost, and equipment for the food industry and academic studies. She joined the Ubbink Lab in the spring of 2024 to study modeling and mapping the phase transition of dairy products in a high-solid state. Outside of work, she enjoys traveling, cooking, and playing tennis.

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